Current Tag: feelings

What’s so special about Lent? Carla Pratt Keyes says, “Lent provides us with a space to examine the stories we tell, to face the feelings behind those stories, to name the longing and pain and...
Today’s passage is one that we are probably all familiar with at some level. Luke 6:27-38 includes “The “Golden Rule,” “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Jim Somerville, pastor of...
“What do you expect from a sermon?” It is a question that Will Willimon has asked many people through the years, and he has gotten a lot of interesting answers. If you had asked the...
Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland, preaches this week’s Gospel lesson: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56. “He had been a troublemaker all week,” Brown begins, talking about a boy...