Current Tag: Father

The Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Author, Pastor, and Founder of Invested Faith, preaches on the most-memorized verse in the Bible, John 3:16, one that was such a familiar part of her youth and childhood, she...
“At times, we get eager. We try to hurry life up. We talk about this time next year, what we are going to do this summer, or next spring…But it is important to be fully...
“Hey, it’s Trinity Sunday. Hold onto your hats. We are about to do a deep dive into one of the most complex, wonderful of Christian beliefs…We’re going to talk about God this Sunday called Trinity,...
Richard Voelz, Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, preaches the Gospel lesson, Matthew 23:1-12. It’s Jesus at his fiercest, confronting hypocrisy and calling for humility. Then, Voelz skillfully...
Have you ever had someone tell you that you look like or act like your parents? This is true for Michael Renninger, pastor of St. Mary Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia. He says that the...
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