B04: The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year B (2023)
December 18, 2023
“After we got our driver’s licenses, my best friend and I loved nothing more than getting in the car and just driving, windows down, radio up. We would sing whatever songs came on the radio...
C04: The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C (2021)
December 13, 2021
“Where would we be without the faith of Mary and Elizabeth?” ponders Phillip Martin, pastor of Epiphany Lutheran Church in Richmond, Virginia. In today’s passage from Luke 1:39-45 (46-55), Mary allows herself to become God’s...
A03: The Third Sunday of Advent, Year A (2016)
December 2, 2016
Rev. Rachel May re-draws the traditional picture of Mary in this sermon from Luke 1:46b-55, the alternate Gospel reading for this Sunday. There’s Mary, singing her heart out in “the Magnificat.” There’s Elizabeth, cheering her...
C04: The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C (2015)
December 20, 2015
The Rev. MaryAnn McKibben Dana preaches this Sunday’s assigned reading from Luke 1:39-45, sometimes blandly titled: “Mary Visits Elizabeth.” But there is nothing bland about this visit. Mary has just received life changing news from...