Current Tag: disciples

“Each of the gospels has different versions of the grief Jesus’s followers experienced after their beloved teacher died. In the version we heard today from John 21:1-19, the disciples have already seen the resurrected Jesus,...
“On Easter Sunday someone usually says, ‘Christ is risen!’ and everyone else says, ‘Christ is risen indeed!’  But some people have a hard time with the Resurrection: they have a hard time believing it actually...
“In a book called The Critical Years, Sharon Parks writes about going to Harvard as a new chaplain.” At a reception, a professor shared with her how hard it had been to send his son...
“It’s July 4, the day when we celebrate our national Independence, the founding of our Republic,” says Will Willimon, professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School, acclaimed pastor, and author of...
“Growing up in a big family we were committed birthday celebrators…Birthdays are a natural time to look back and see where we’ve been, because life has a way of taking us places we’d never imagined,”...
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