Current Tag: Church

Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of First Mennonite Church, Richmond, Virginia, begins by listing several temptations he faces…eating potato chips while watching TV, ordering a steak at a restaurant, buying a new sport coat or dress shirt,...
The Rev. Michael Livingston is a Presbyterian minister and international church leader who most recently served as the Interim Senior Minister for The Riverside Church in the City of New York. His sermon is called...
The Rev. Rachel May preaches a sermon called “Even the Demons” based on the Gospel text from Mark 1:21-28. She says, “You’ve been there. Someone–maybe it’s you–grows quiet at the supper table because they don’t...
Raquel St. Clair Lettsome is an Itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church with two decades of congregational ministry experience that transcends denominational lines. She is also the managing partner of Say AMEN! (,...
The Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, Interim Minister at Community Church of Honolulu and Founder of Invested Faith preaches a sermon called “Nobody Goes It Alone,” based on Matthew 10:24-39. Butler insists that even though the...
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