A17: The Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year A (2023)
March 13, 2023
Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, begins this Sunday’s sermon with a remarkable story about the non-miraculous healing of a girl who was blind from birth. Non-miraculous, we say,...
C41: The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
August 29, 2022
After taking some time to sort out its proper pronunciation, Michael Renninger says, “Saint Paul’s letter to Philemon is the shortest book in the Bible. It has only 25 verses. In this short letter, Paul...
A14: The Eighth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year A
January 9, 2017
Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, and one of this year’s featured speakers at the Festival of Homiletics in San Antonio, Texas, preaches a sermon from Matthew 6:24-34 called...