Current Tag: abundance

Rev. Dr. Kristin Adkins Whitesides, pastor of First Baptist Church, Winchester, Virginia begins today’s sermon by admitting that she doesn’t like tension in movies or book plots. She admits that sometimes she’ll skip to the...
“Does it spark joy?” That’s what the star of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” wants to know about our possessions, and Jesus might agree. In this Sunday’s Gospel lesson he breaks the news that one’s...
“Each of the gospels has different versions of the grief Jesus’s followers experienced after their beloved teacher died. In the version we heard today from John 21:1-19, the disciples have already seen the resurrected Jesus,...
“Lately it’s been hard to escape the topic of money…Money, it seems, is a human obsession,” says Amy Starr Redwine, pastor of Richmond’s First Presbyterian Church. Redwine quotes Author and philanthropic critic, Edgar Villanueva, “Money...
“When I was growing up, we would often go to my grandparents’ house in South Carolina for a week or so in the summer time,” begins Kristin Adkins Whitesides, pastor of First Baptist Church, Winchester,...
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