Current Tag: Ryan Ahlgrim

“What kind of government do we want?” asks Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of First Mennonite Church of Richmond, Virginia. Ahlgrim continues, “We’re not alone in this…even the ancient Israelites wrestled with this question.” In today’s passage,...
“One day I was walking through a quiet neighborhood. I noticed a church building, or at least, I thought it was a church building. I wasn’t quite sure…What was throwing me off was that it...
In 1825, on the banks of the Wabash River in Indiana, an old town called New Harmony was founded. This town was to be the perfect society. Many wonderful things happened there, but within four...
“I was driving home one night…I pulled up to a stoplight. I noticed a woman running up to my car, right up to the window. With a look of desperation on her face, she asked...
“When someone in the church harms us in some way, what should we do? How should we respond? Many people would say, ‘Forgive!’ What could be more Christian, more spiritual, more biblical than to forgive?”...
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