Current Tag: MaryAnn McKibben Dana

The Rev. MaryAnn, McKibben Dana, popular Presbyterian preacher, author, blogger, and retreat leader, takes up this Sunday’s reading from the Gospel of Mark: the story of . John the Baptist’s beheading (Mark 6:14-29). Dana appeals...
Popular speaker, author, and retreat leader Mary Ann McKibben Dana preaches a sermon called “Other Boats Were with Him,” from Mark 4:35-41. “We are all out there navigating the stormy waters together. Local churches, each in...
MaryAnn McKibben Dana, popular preacher, speaker, writer, and retreat leader, preaches a sermon from Mark 9:2-9 called, “When You Don’t Know What to Do.” She begins with a quote: “When a system doesn’t know what...
“Poor Thomas. He’s been called the doubter, the skeptic. Jesus seems to chastise him for having to see in order to believe,” begins MaryAnn McKibben Dana. In John 20:19-31, we learn how Jesus handles a...
Most of us like the comfortable and the familiar. Jesus, however, sometimes sends us ahead of him to places we have never been before. MaryAnn McKibben Dana, popular speaker, preacher, conference leader, and writer, preaches...
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