Current Tag: 2021

“It’s [the Sunday closest to] July 4, the day when we celebrate our national Independence, the founding of our Republic,” says Will Willimon, professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School, acclaimed...
“I grew up with two little sisters. Most of the arguments in our house centered around our rooms not being clean. My mother wanted me to make my bed every day. My response was, ‘Why...
“What kind of government do we want?” asks Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of First Mennonite Church of Richmond, Virginia. Ahlgrim continues, “We’re not alone in this…even the ancient Israelites wrestled with this question.” In today’s passage, 1...
The disciples and Jesus were walking and talking. Then “he suddenly started floating, rising up into the sky, away from them, away from them all over again,” says the Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Founder of Invested...

“Teeth and Bones”

April 8, 2024
“I’ll never forget the time we took our daughters to Washington, D.C., for a short trip and of all the things they saw there, the teeth and bones probably fascinated them more than anything else…I...
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