Current Category: Year B

“The father of the groom was crying. He was standing in the corner of the Church, watching his son and the wedding party pray together just before the wedding rehearsal started…Dad pointed to his son...
“What kind of government do we want?” asks Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of First Mennonite Church of Richmond, Virginia. Ahlgrim continues, “We’re not alone in this…even the ancient Israelites wrestled with this question.” In today’s passage,...
“Hey, it’s Trinity Sunday. Hold onto your hats. We are about to do a deep dive into one of the most complex, wonderful of Christian beliefs…We’re going to talk about God this Sunday called Trinity,...
“Growing up in a big family we were committed birthday celebrators…Birthdays are a natural time to look back and see where we’ve been, because life has a way of taking us places we’d never imagined,”...
The disciples and Jesus were walking and talking. Then “he suddenly started floating, rising up into the sky, away from them, away from them all over again,” says the Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Founder of...
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