Current Category: Epiphany

Rev. Rachel May preaches a sermon called “Deal with It,” based on Matthew 5:21-37. May struggles with the prohibition against “swearing falsely,” and finds in it–and in murder, adultery, and divorce–an unwillingness to deal with...
Jim Somerville, Pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church and Co-Founder of A Sermon for Every Sunday, preaches a sermon called “The Power to Bless,” from Matthew 5:1-12. Matthew presents Jesus as the “Prophet like Moses,”...
Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, preaches a sermon from Matthew 5:13-20 called, “Light Up the World.” Some Christians are finding it especially hard to shine these days, but...
Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, and one of this year’s featured speakers at the Festival of Homiletics in San Antonio, Texas, preaches a sermon from Matthew 6:24-34 called...
Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, and one of our most popular preachers, preaches a sermon from John 1:29-42 called, “Love Gives Its Best,” because it’s true: when you...
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