March 27, 2022

C18: The Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year C (2022)

Chris Burton

“At times, we get eager. We try to hurry life up. We talk about this time next year, what we are going to do this summer, or next spring…But it is important to be fully present in this time and space…As cliche as it is, it is true, that we should enjoy life. Take it one step at a time. Trust the process,” begins Chris Burton. Burton is a Doctor of Ministry Candidate at Union Presbyterian Seminary, Vice President of programs at Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, a writer, proprietor of Di Baddest Consulting agency, and co-host of the podcast, CrossStreets. In today’s passage from Luke 15:11-32, Burton says, “We see a young man who has a tough time trusting the process. The younger son wants his destiny before he is fully capable of receiving it…He wants to chart his own course and live life the way he intends it.” But the outcome is not what he expected. At his lowest point, and ours, “we may think it’s all over, yet unbeknownst to us, love is writing another chapter in our story.”

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