March 3, 2019

C14: Transfiguration Sunday, Year C (2019)

Michael Renninger

In this Sunday’s sermon from Luke 9:28-36, Father Michael Renninger, pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, tells the story of a mother who was dying of cancer, and yet still seemed to care more about her daughters than herself. “I’ll bet you have known people like this,” Renninger says: “people who are suffering, struggling, perhaps even facing death. We think we’re taking care of them, but they are really taking care of us! No matter how they are feeling physically, their love is radiating and they carry themselves with grace and beauty.” Renninger reminds us that Jesus does this at his Transfiguration. What about you? Can you allow that same radiance to shine forth from your life, no matter what you are going through?

Manuscript available: click HERE