February 6, 2022

C11: The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C (2022)

Amy Starr Redwine

Rev. Amy Starr Redwine, pastor of Richmond’s First Presbyterian Church, tells the story of how a leadership coach, Drew Dudley, teaches about “everyday leadership” through a story about passing out lollipops on a college campus. He invites people to “think of a ‘lollipop moment’ – when someone said or did something that fundamentally changed your life for the better, when the willingness of another person to take a risk and reach out, to set aside careful and meaningfully engage you, made all the difference.” In today’s passages from Isaiah 6:1-8, (9-13) and Luke 5:1-11, we hear two call stories, two “lollipop moments” in scripture. Just as Jesus called the disciples to put down their nets in deep water, Redwine reminds us, “Jesus calls us to the deep water, because this is where the fish are, this is where we will encounter God’s people who are fragile and vulnerable and longing to be loved and changed…and who might just change us as well.”

Manuscript available: click HERE