July 2, 2023

A32: The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A (2023)

Mandy England Cole

Are there particular Biblical passages that you would prefer to skip and not think about their implications? Today’s preacher, Rev. Mandy England Cole admits that to be true of today’s passage from Genesis 22:1-14. However, she reminds us why we must study passages such as this one. She says, “Stories like the near sacrifice of Abraham’s son should haunt us. It is a cautionary tale of our own propensity to get it wrong. It is a reminder that our God is unlike any other and what is acceptable for other gods is unacceptable to this God. Faithfully following this different God means we will continually be living in a way that counters what seems normal and acceptable in our world. This God is going to keep us on our toes and demand more from us. Which means we must be brave enough for the kind of honest self-evaluation this story, this God, invites us into.”

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