June 18, 2023

A30: The Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year A (2023)

Chris Burton

“I want to talk about a question that I wrestle with. It has been on my heart for some time, and I suspect you have thought about it from time to time as well…How might we create a space where a common appreciation of everyone’s dignity thrives? A space where people realize and can bear witness to the truth included in our scripture today, Romans 5:1-5,” ponders Dr. Chris Burton. Burton is Director of the Leadership Institute at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. He also operates an antiracism consulting firm, Di Baddist Consulting, and co-hosts the podcast CrossStreets. In today’s sermon, “Hope Does Not Disappoint,” Burton reminds us to “hold on” to the ultimate hope, “knowing that we belong to God.” Listen as Burton explores the responsibility that comes with that ultimate hope.

Manuscript available: click HERE