June 30, 2024

“What Does It Matter?”

Judy Kincaid

“I grew up with two little sisters. Most of the arguments in our house centered around our rooms not being clean. My mother wanted me to make my bed every day. My response was, ‘Why should I make it? I’m just going to unmake it at night and have to do it over tomorrow? What does it matter?’” begins Judy Kincaid, pastor of Little Elk Creek Lutheran Church and New Hope Lutheran Church in Menomonie, Wisconsin. Kincaid preaches a sermon called “What does it matter?” from Mark 5:21-43. Does it matter that the people in today’s passage are healed? “You bet it does,” says Kincaid. “The gospel lesson today is about so much more than physical healing. It’s about the Kingdom of God.”

Manuscript available: click HERE