We issued a last-minute request for a video sermon on Mark 2:23-3:6 and Dr. Doug Mills, Senior Pastor of Trinity-First United Methodist Church in El Paso, Texas. responded! He’s the winner of this year’s “Second Sunday after Pentecost Preaching Contest.” This sermon is based on Mark 2:23-3:6 and wrestles with the two stories of Jesus (and his disciples) keeping the Sabbath. It ends with a contemporary parable about hearing the voice of God inviting us to do good. Enjoy!
Manuscript available: click HERE
Mary Harris Todd‘s excellent sermon on the same text is available in manuscript form HERE. She writes: “This sermon comes from a time when I was preaching through Mark and wanted to show folks the rising conflict all the way through chapter 2, leaving Jesus angry and grieving in chapter 3. It dates from February 2021, soon after January 6. Mary is Pastor of Morton Presbyterian Church in Rocky Mount, NC. She adds: “One way to focus this sermon is to reflect on how we religious people regarding one another so critically and behaving in ugly ways towards one another grieves Jesus.”