July 24, 2016

C35: The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C (2016)

Michael Renninger

“Is there anything more intimate than to hear the heartbeat of another person?…Can human beings desire anything more than to be held so close and know that they are so loved?” says Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia. Preaching on Luke 11:1-13, the Lord’s Prayer, he continues, “Many saints have suggested that Jesus taught us all we need to know in the very first words of this prayer. He taught us to pray, ‘Our Father'”. Renninger invites us to take time every day this week to be still and say just “Our Father,” to call God by name and see what happens. Perhaps we can gain a better sense of the fact that God’s love is universal, God is “our Father,” not “my Father.”

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