“A little girl once asked her mother if the Bible story of Elijah flying to heaven on a chariot of fire was real or pretend. How would you have answered her question?” asks Brian McLaren. The little girl’s wise mother responded, “That’s a great question…What do you think about the Elijah story?” The mother’s answer “invited her [little girl] to think, as a bona fide member of the interpretive community.” McLaren, a renowned speaker, activist, and bestselling author, expounds on today’s passages from 2 Kings 2:1-2 and 6-14 and Luke 9:51-62. He explains Elijah’s and Jesus’ departures and how their followers responded. It was easy to miss the point then and it’s just as easy now. As members of the interpretive community, how can we wisely interpret our past so that we do not miss the point?
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