December 6, 2020

B02: The Second Sunday of Advent, Year B (2020)

Michael Renninger

“It happened just the other day. I was doing some paperwork. Then my phone rang, and I had to get up from my desk to answer it. After a brief conversation, I sat back down at my desk. And that’s when I realized – I couldn’t find my glasses,” begins Father Michael Renninger, pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia. After searching everywhere, Renninger found his glasses on top of his head. He says, “I had spent ten minutes looking for something that I already had!” Have you ever had that experience? The people of Israel in today’s passage, Isaiah 40:1-11, were living in a “heartbreakingly painful exile” and were searching for God’s presence. Just as Renninger searched for his glasses, the prophet Isaiah reminded the people of God’s presence through one word, “comfort.” God was, is, and continues to be present, but sometimes we have to look in strange places!

Manuscript available: click HERE