May 23, 2021

B26: The Day of Pentecost, Year B (2021)

Amy Butler

“Growing up in a big family we were committed birthday celebrators…Birthdays are a natural time to look back and see where we’ve been, because life has a way of taking us places we’d never imagined,” begins Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Founder of Invested Faith and former Senior Minister of the Riverside Church in New York City. Today, on Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the church, Butler preaches a sermon called “If We Knew Then,” based on Acts 2:1-21. Butler says, “Seems like a good time to look back to gather the courage to move forward, because the first disciples and all of us can definitely look at each other and say: Wow, if we only knew then what we know now…!”

Manuscript available: click HERE