B34: The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (2015)
July 19, 2015
Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland, preaches this week’s Gospel lesson: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56. “He had been a troublemaker all week,” Brown begins, talking about a boy...
B31: The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (2015)
June 28, 2015
Andrew Connors, Pastor of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland, preaches a sermon from Mark 5:21-43, the story of the hemorrhaging woman. “I wonder how long it takes to learn how to...
B29: The Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (2015)
June 14, 2015
In his sermon, “A Notoriously Bad Gardener” from Mark 4:26-34, Andrew Foster Connors, pastor of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland, begins, “I’m notoriously bad at gardening…which makes this kind of a parable...
B23: The Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B (2015)
May 3, 2015
The Rev. Andrew Connors, Senior Minister of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland, preaches a sermon called “Get up and Go,” based on the reading from Acts 8:26-40. “Get up and go,”...
B18: Palm/Passion Sunday, Year B (2015)
March 29, 2015
The Rev. Andrew Connors, Pastor of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in downtown Baltimore, Maryland, preaches a sermon from Mark 11:1-11 called, “Costly Kingdom.” “Every candidate for high office needs a drama, and Jesus...