September 11, 2016

C42: The Seventeeth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C (2016)

Alyce M. McKenzie

There are a lot of things we can lose in life. Here’s a list from the Rev. Dr. Alyce M. McKenzie, Professor of Homiletics at Perkins School of Theology. She says, “We can lose direction, faith, faculties, friends, focus, ground, hair, hope, heart, head, keys, mind, mobility, perspective, respect, spark, teeth, temper, and touch.” You can probably add many other things to this list as well. McKenzie tells the story of St. Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of lost items. There is popular poem attributed to him, “Tony, Tony, Turn Around! Something’s lost that must be found!” In Luke 15:1-10, McKenzie says, “There is one thing that Jesus is afraid his disciples will let slip away and one thing Luke is afraid his church will let slip away…that is the habit of persistent prayer.” Listen as McKenzie explains what we can learn from the parables of the lost items.

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